And I've made it to day two! Today's blog prompt is "Sewing Space" so I snapped a couple of pictures but unfortunately, there are Christmas gifts strewn about the room so it's not a complete (or pretty) scene at the moment.

So this is my body double, Diane, who is currently wearing my lab coat ...get it, lab coat for a quilt lab?!! Seriously though, I do wear this while I'm sewing because when I don't those cute little snips end up virtually anywhere. So I leave them clipped on this lab coat, and I wear the coat when I'm in my quilt lab.
My quilt lab is actually the second bedroom in our two bedroom apartment. I've been blessed with a husband who not only tolerates, but also supports my quilting addiction by giving me an entire room for my craft. (Which is all the more impressive since he's been working from home since April, and would benefit from a private space for his work too; he's seriously a great guy!)

Does anyone else have a huge thread collection? This is literally only a quarter of the thread I own; the rest is in bins and bags, instead of displayed on a nice thread rack. I keep these thread racks within arm distance of my sewing machine.
Just a couple more pics. My little bits of inspiration. Above my cutting area is a collage of Geisha girls; and above my sewing machine is a pretty glowing star and tissue flower puffs. I got to have a bit of whimsy in the quilt lab.
That's it for today. Back to the lab!
Hey, don't forget to check out all the other quilters on this blog challenge; click this link: