In January of 2020, I took my first "big" quilt class from a national speaker and educator, Victoria Findlay Wolfe (check spelling). She was teaching two of her classes to the two guilds I was a member of, Quilt North of Saratoga Springs and the Capital District Modern Quilt Guild based in the Albany, NY area. Quilt North sponsored her Cottage Tulips class, and the CDMQG sponsored the Double Wedding Ring. I'll admit, neither patterns really sparked much of an interest to me, but, as I'll tell anyone, getting the chance to take a class from a national-renowned quilter no matter what is being taught is an absolute must. And I gotta say, I learned a heck of lot from those four days with Victoria. And I even like the patterns now! Here's a couple pics from the classes.
Fast forward a few months later and I received a small bundle of challenge fabrics from the national MQG. The collection was not my taste but I knew it would work well with the Cottage Tulip pattern, so a plan was made.
What is the saying about life and making plans for it? Something about how life will throw all your plans out the window..? Well, that happened. (aka - the COVID pandemic.) So my fabric and pattern sat in a box awaiting the light of day.
Well that day has come! Finally! I signed up for a UFO Resolution monthly task list; and June is the lucky month for this Cottage Tulip. I'm pretty pleased with how it's going. And I'm slowly remembering all the tips and tricks Victoria taught in class. (And this time making more notes, ones that actually make sense, as I go along.)
Here's my status so far!
I'm not sure I'll finish by the end of the month but I've definitely made big progress on this UFO.
Speaking of which, I gotta get back to the lab and cut out some more pieces. Until next time!
Here's a few links:
Victoria Findlay Wolfe
Modern Quilt Guild
Capital District MQG
Quilt North