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Tell Me a Story

It's been a couple of weeks since QuiltCon Together and my brain is still compressing from the amount of information and inspiration crammed into it. In my last blog, I talked about the workshops I took, but did I mention I also had an all-lectures pass for the Con...? Time to talk about the speakers. Let's go!

I was glued to my computer for five days with that all-lecture pass. I may not have watched all of them, but I saw the majority of them. Each was about an hour long, some were pre-recorded, some were ask-the-expert QnA's. They ALL were gems! Here's my favorites!

Andrea Tsang Jackson

The lectures kicked off with Andrea Tsang Jackson, art quilter from Nova Scotia. I recognized her name immediately because of her book, Patchwork Lab: Gemology. I think I've borrowed it from the library at least three times now; guess I should get my own copy. The book is beautiful and it really showcases how quilts can be viewed as art. In fact, on her website, she identifies as an artist first. I think this is what stuck with me the most about her talk. After hearing how much self-discovery she's done around being an artist, the experience of being an artist-in-resident for a local museum really got me thinking about how I think about myself. I've never considered myself an artist - a quilter, yes of course - but now I wonder. Check out her website and book.

Sherri Lynn Woods

This name kept popping up for me all Con long. There are so many quilters, specifically improvisational quilters, who credit a lot of their know-how and inspiration to SLW. Her book, The Improv Handbook for Modern Quilters is talked about with such reverence that it went to the top of my quiltcon-must-have list. Let me just say that I am not an improv quilter by any means, but her words of encouragement and confidence really resonated with me. Like Andrea from above, she also spoke about quilts as art and the importance of quilters seeking out artist residencies in their area. SLW does a ton of classes and co-sponsored workshops so be sure to check out her website.

Sara Trail

Without a doubt, my absolute favorite Ask-The-Expert lectures was the interview and presentation with Sara Trail. WOW! Just WOW! This 26 year old has done more in her life so far than most of us will ever do in the quilt world. Listening to her presentation about her beginnings and efforts in the quilt/sewing world is so moving. Sara is a world-changer; and I don't say that lightly. Check out her short (and not nearly comprehensive) bio on the Social Justice Sewing Academy website. And while you're there, check out the amazing outreach programs this group is dedicated. Then sign up to be a volunteer! You don't have to live in Bay area to volunteer. I was so inspired by her passion and dedication that I signed up to volunteer mere minutes after her lecture was over.


Lee Chappell Monroe

I'm a big believer in taking notes, and the person who kept my pencil moving the most was without a doubt Lee Chappell Monroe and her tips talk! Have a pressing plan. Use a pin to point the direction you want to press. Spray starch on the back of the fabric so it doesn't end up on the iron. Chain piece with a post-it note for indicating the sampler or numbered blocks. Make a color theory pie chart to hang in your space to help you better understand how color relates. And so many more! I should've gone back and listened to this lecture again because I know I missed a few gems while writing notes. I'll be watching for Lee for more in the future too. Check out her website:

There are so many other lectures that I loved: Chawne Kimber, Latifa Saafir, Jacquie Gering, Sara Bond... I also attended the lectures of the workshop instructors as well: Steph Skardal, Daisy Aschehoug, and Julie Schoening - but you can read more about them, and the workshops in my previous blog. All of these quilters, artists, women are worth your time to check out. Look at their Instagram pages, their websites, and find a class to take from them. You won't regret it.

QuiltCon Together was such an amazing experience. My list of things I want to explore grew exponentially and I can't wait to do this again next year!

Did you attend QuiltCon Together? Who was your favorite lecturer or instructor? Let me know!

Until next time - off to the lab!


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